My Grandma gave me a gold frame from an old picture that she used to have hanging in her living room. She asked me to put a mosaic in it for her. So you appreciate this task, let me tell you about my Grandma:
- It takes her at least six hours to adjust a vase of flowers on the table so they are angled perfectly.
- If she doesn't like something she lets you know - repeatedly.
- Her living room is all pastel and floral.
I asked Grandma what kind of colors or design she would like and she said, "I'll like anything you make." My Grandma is an 87 year-old liar. This is a high pressure situation people! I've been thinking about designs for a few weeks now and have yet to settle on anything. I really don't want to end up with a mosaic that neither of us like.
I like your description of your grandma!