Saturday, May 30, 2009

Big Guy turns black with grout

I am halfway through grouting Big Guy. Here I am with grout all over me in my garage. I didn't have any sponges so had to use old t-shirts to clean off the grout. Since he is so big I didn't have time to finish all of him. I think he is looking pretty good.

Thanks to Matt for taking the photo!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Amazing what the sun can do...

Yellow Spider - Measures 27" x 42"

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Put away the glue

I've been slacking for the last week and haven't mosaiced at all. But I am now pleased to announce that all of the pieces are glued on Big Guy. Two steps remain: grouting and painting the frame. Since he is the size of Montana, grouting should take about two hours. All of the glue needs to be super-dry before grouting so he'll be resting for the next week or two.

In the meantime, I've got a piece that I'm trying to salvage from disaster. I'll introduce you to her in the next post - that is unless she takes a turn for the worse and I just have to put her out of her misery.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

"I don't have the vision"

My Mom is at my house. I told her she didn't seem that excited about Big Guy and her reply was, "I don't have the vision like you do." When I started to laugh, her follow-up comment was that she can't get excited until they're grouted.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I have a clean slate - I need opinions

Back to working on the last corner of Big Guy - for real this time!

Leave a comment about any suggestions on what color to make the frame - I'll be using black grout.

Rinse and repeat

The pieces of glass that I removed from Big Guy's corner have been cleaned of glue and are ready to be reapplied in a new and improved design.

Here they are in the rinse cycle.

Unfortunately a hand wash and dry was necessary.

In the washing process I got a wicked cut on my foot - long story. I'll spare you the picture of toes and blood since I actually like it when people come to the blog, but man, Big Guy is causing a lot of trouble.

Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm insane

I finished the last corner of Big Guy this weekend (yea!) and then decided that despite the corrective surgery I just wasn't happy with the one corner (not so yea!). The three other corners had a swirl pattern so the non-swirling corner was totally bugging me.

This leads me to the picture. I basically saturated the glue with water and then used a screwdriver to pry up the pieces. I only ended up cutting myself once so that was exciting. The pieces of glass are now soaking in water to get the last bit of glue residue off.

Saturday, May 2, 2009