Monday, June 29, 2009

Grouting Gurus

We followed up our mosaicing weekend at the lake with a grouting party.

Laura, myself, and Abby grouting Abby's mosaic

Full disclaimer that I am not a Bears fan

Hat tip to Carol for the pictures!

It wasn't love at first sight

I delivered the mosaic and after an initial lukewarm reaction, "Oh yeah, well I like that," Grandma did seem to actually like it.

I base this on the fact that we ended up having to adjust placement on three different pictures before finding the right spot for the mosaic. The right spot ended up being on the wall she faces while sitting in her recliner - a sure sign that she actually wants to see the mosaic. (Although I was worried when she asked me if it was supposed to be a tree - was that not clear?)

Another comment she made, "It's about time I got something new in here - everything is about 40 years old." Gotta love Grandma!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just needs grout

Grandma's piece is done except for grouting. I don't think it turned out too badly. The plan is to grout this week and then give it to her this weekend.

A mosaicing weekend

My cousin Laura requested a mosaicing lesson so what better place to have it then at the cottage? We set up a cutting glass station amongst the trees, used the deck as our work area, and had sheets of glass spread across the front yard. We got a ton done and I think that Abby and Laura will be able to continue without me - it's all about having the right tools!

We also took a field trip and liberated some windows that had been propped up against a fence for a few months. We didn't go in the dark of night, but we were in and out pretty quickly. All in all, a very fun weekend.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I've got a design

Started to mosaic my Grandma's picture. It's a tree with some leaves and is only using four colors. I finished the stem and the leaves are up next. I'm not feeling that motivated, which is why I don't have a picture to share. I'm at a, "it will be okay" stage but who wants to make something that is "okay."

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm really not a gold frame kind of girl

My Grandma gave me a gold frame from an old picture that she used to have hanging in her living room. She asked me to put a mosaic in it for her. So you appreciate this task, let me tell you about my Grandma:
  • It takes her at least six hours to adjust a vase of flowers on the table so they are angled perfectly.
  • If she doesn't like something she lets you know - repeatedly.
  • Her living room is all pastel and floral.
I asked Grandma what kind of colors or design she would like and she said, "I'll like anything you make." My Grandma is an 87 year-old liar. This is a high pressure situation people! I've been thinking about designs for a few weeks now and have yet to settle on anything. I really don't want to end up with a mosaic that neither of us like.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Moving on from Big Guy

With Big Guy complete I have two projects on the docket.

1. A four pane window that I'm going to attempt to save from a really bad initial design by adding a second layer of glass.

2. My Grandma asked for a mosaic. I love my Grandma but man, I don't want to make her a mosaic to match her pink floral living room. It will take some thought to figure out a design that we can both live with.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

All done

Well, here is Big Guy, all dressed and ready for a night out on the town. He is already hanging up in my living room - which was a project in itself considering he weighs in at about 45 pounds.

I'm happy.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Almost there

I woke up at 6 this morning and despite my best efforts could not fall back to sleep. The good news is that I decided since I was up to actually do something productive. So, I finished grouting the last five squares of Big Guy. The frame still has to be painted so I'll hold off on posting a picture at this stage so that he can have a big ta-da moment.

Now I'm off to have a nap.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Okay, I'm posting this photo of a piece I made years ago because I have yet to finish grouting Big Guy and am feeling like a slacker.

The circles are marble cubes and the background is window glass cut in small squares and laid on edge. It looks really pretty when the light hits.

As an aside, the window glass I used for this piece and for Green Circles was gotten for free. Businesses consider it scrap and usually just throw it in the dumpster. They are more then happy to give it to you instead - no dumpster diving necessary. My normal tile cutter works for creating the small squares.